The power of seeing
through dragonfly eyes
Our Approach
Dragonflies have eyes made up of thousands of lenses.
They integrate these lenses to give themselves almost 360-degree vision. Among the world’s most successful predators, dragonflies catch 95% of their prey, thanks to their ability to predict where their prey is going.
Dragonfly Thinking™ allows us to see the world through multiple lenses, integrate many perspectives into a coherent vision, and make clear-sighted decisions informed by greater foresight.
The Power of Dragonfly Thinking
Political scientist and psychologist Philip Tetlock has found that what distinguishes the best forecasters in the world is their ability to see through “dragonfly eyes.”
Experts in specific disciplines and domains often exhibit limited predictive accuracy, attributable to their tendency to over-emphasize a single lens of analysis.
Superforecasters, by contrast, develop more holistic understandings of complexity by seeking out and integrating multiple perspectives. They are experts in dragonfly thinking.
Our Team
Anthea Roberts
Founder and CEO
Anthea is an interdisciplinary researcher who has worked at the ANU, the LSE, Columbia and Harvard. She focuses on new ways of thinking about complex and evolving fields, and is the author of the frameworks on which Dragonfly Thinking’s AI tools are based. The League of Scholars has ranked Anthea as the world’s leading international law scholar (2019) and Australia’s leading international law scholar (2022, 2023). Her first book ‘Is International Law International?’ won the the American Society of International Law’s top book prize, and her second book ‘Six Faces of Globalization’ (with Nicolas Lamp) was selected as one of the Best Books of 2021 by The Financial Times and Fortune Magazine. She engages extensively with governments and businesses and previously worked at law firms in New York and London.
Miranda Forsyth
Co-Founder and Director
Miranda is an interdisciplinary socio-legal scholar, with extensive experience in law and society, the Pacific islands justice and governance systems and legal pluralism. She has worked at the ANU and the University of the South Pacific. Miranda’s expertise includes law, anthropology, restorative justice, criminology and complexity theory. A natural collaborator, Miranda is part of research and practitioner networks locally and across the world, fostering dialogue and learning around her areas of expertise.
Nick Lothian
Chief Technology Officer
Nick is an AI expert, software developer, and product manager who has worked extensively in the technology sector. Nick was the founder and CEO of Tyto.AI – an artificial intelligence consultancy and product company based in Australia. He was formerly Head of Product at Verida, a data privacy and blockchain company, and previously served as Head of AI at Amplified Intelligence. Nick was a Project Director at the Data2Decisions Co-operative Research Centre, leading multiple machine learning and AI projects with defence and security agencies. He was Managing Director of Startup Adelaide from 2019-2020 and was on the board for 5 years. He also co-founded the Artificial Intelligence Collaborative Network.
Hugh Edwards
Software Engineer
Hugh is a Software Engineer with over a decade of industry experience. From establishing a brand new SaaS platform to working in fields such as computer vision and big data processing, he has a versatile skillset capable of adapting to all challenges of development. Hugh has a passion for quality and reliability, aiming to build systems that are both easy to understand and hassle-free.
Project Manager
Aishwarya is a self starter with more than a decade of work experience in start-ups and small/medium-sized organizations. With her background in finance and entrepreneurship, Aish excels in project management and creative problem-solving. She has worked in managerial roles across a wide spectrum of functional units from membership and operations to marketing and sales where she has built and transformed processes that champion organizational growth. At Dragonfly Thinking, Aish is helping to lead on business development and customer engagement. Her expertise and support include project administration and liaison as well as financial and operational management.