
Generative AI Information

Generative AI Disclaimer

Our RRR tool is powered by GPT4. Generative AI is a powerful technology, but it is not always accurate and it sometimes produces harmful or offensive content. The following content has been generated by an AI language model. The content generated by the AI may not always reflect the most current news, events, or developments. While the AI model has been trained on a vast range of data, it may not have real-time awareness or access to current events.

The AI-generated content is intended to be informative and helpful, however it is not professional advice or a substitute for informed advice with qualified experts in the relevant field. The information provided is based on patterns, trends, and knowledge available in the AI language model. There may be new information or developments that could impact the accuracy or applicability of the content.

We encourage users to independently verify and cross-reference the information provided by the AI model with other reliable sources before making any decisions or taking any actions based
on the content. The AI-generated content should be used as a starting point for research and exploration, but it is essential to exercise critical thinking and judgment when interpreting and applying the information.

As an AI language model, the content generated is based on the data it has been trained on, which may include biased or incomplete information. We strive to mitigate biases where possible, but it is important to be aware of potential limitations and to seek alternative perspectives when necessary.

We are continually working to improve our AI tool and the accuracy of the content it generates. However, we cannot guarantee the complete absence of errors or inaccuracies. Therefore, to the maximum extent permitted by law, we disclaim any liability for any damages or losses incurred as a result of using or relying on AI-generated content.

When interacting with our system, we request you do not share any personal data about yourself or others. Personal data includes, your name, address, phone number, email address, physical address, ID numbers or any other information about yourself or others or information that can be used to identify you or another individual (whether true or not).

By accessing and using the AI-generated content, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms of this content disclaimer.

AI Ethics Statement

Human, societal and environmental wellbeing: AI systems should benefit individuals, society, and the environment.

The AI systems created by Dragonfly Thinking are intended to be used to benefit society by allowing a distillation of accumulated data through the application of diverse perspectives. Our intention with these systems is to enable the human beings responsible for decision making in the fields of policy and business to make decisions that are informed by a greater number of perspectives. This will enable them to take a more integrated and systemic approach to identifying the best course of action.

Human-centred values: AI systems should respect human rights, diversity, and the autonomy of individuals.

The AI systems we develop are designed to allow multiple points of view from diverse perspectives to be applied to large sets of data. The techniques applied to structure our AI generated data are designed to empower humans’ cognitive, social, and cultural skills. The broader intention for the use of our programs is to foster collaborative work groups within organisations and to encourage diverse and systemic thinking rather than siloed and polarised thinking. It is our intent that our programs will help reduce bias, increase objectivity, and empower the user’s ability to make informed decisions. Our programs are designed to present alternatives for human users to choose from so that they can decide on the best course of action for their needs.

Fairness: AI systems should be inclusive and accessible and should not involve or result in unfair discrimination against individuals, communities, or groups.

Throughout our design process we focus on accessibility, approachability, and usability. Our systems are designed to aid decision makers from an inclusive point of view so they can make decisions with less bias and for the greater good. Our systems are designed to inform human users rather than take significant action without human control. This limits any direct impact on individuals beyond the scope of the decision-making support system.

Privacy protection and security: AI systems should respect and uphold privacy rights and data protection and ensure the security of data.

Our AI systems are not trained on personal information or non-anonymized data. We use state-of-the-art LLMs provided by OpenAI using an API which means that customer data is not used in OpenAI’s training data. Our AI programs are deployed on Azure, which is approved for Australian Federal Government work up to and including the PROTECTED level. Ultimately it is the choice of the customer which data they use the system on. To the extent we are able, we consult with our customers on the ethical use of this type of data and what they may need to do to protect their data used in the system from compromise.

Reliability and safety: AI systems should reliably operate in accordance with their intended purpose.

We design and develop our systems to be as reliable and error free as possible. They are thoroughly tested and vetted during our development process. Our systems are data-driven decision support systems that do not directly control any physical or digital systems, such as SCADA systems. They pose negligible risk to human safety during their operation.

Transparency and explainability: There should be transparency and responsible disclosure so people can understand when they are being significantly impacted by AI and can find out when an AI system is engaging with them.

Our systems are not intended to be used blind. They are direct interaction systems and as such a user will always know they are interacting with an AI-based system. The system is designed to operate against clear and coherent decision-making frameworks based on academic work. Summaries of other elements of the system can be made available to users if required. All printable outputs from our programs come with disclosures that generative AI has been used to create the final product.

Contestability: When an AI system significantly impacts a person, community, group, or environment, there should be a timely process to allow people to challenge the use or outcomes of the AI system.

Our AI systems are decision support systems and as such are informative rather than declarative in nature. They are designed to help inform decision makers as part of a collective series of inputs rather than to make the decisions themselves and, as such, will not directly affect individuals or groups of people. Should the decisions being made by the users of our systems be contested, it would be against a broader set of systems, policies, and concerns rather than directly against our systems.

Accountability: The people responsible for the different phases of the AI system lifecycle should be identifiable and accountable for the outcomes of the AI systems, and human oversight of AI systems should be enabled.

At Dragonfly Thinking we strive to create the most informative and useful AI systems for decision making support. To this end we stand behind our products and actively work with experts, partners, and our community to create systems that assist with the betterment of society. We provide transparency into the teams, partners, and collaborators that helped bring our systems to market. Our informative decision support systems are designed to assist humans in making the most informed decisions possible, rather than make decisions for them. As such, human oversight of our AI systems is a keystone of the process, rather than ancillary to it.