The power of seeing
through dragonfly eyes
Dragonflies have eyes made up of thousands of lenses.
They integrate these lenses to give themselves almost 360-degree vision. Among the world’s most successful predators, dragonflies catch 95% of their prey, thanks to their ability to predict where their prey is going.
Dragonfly Thinking™ allows us to see the world through multiple lenses, integrate many perspectives into a coherent vision, and make clear-sighted decisions informed by greater foresight.
The Power of Dragonfly Thinking
Political scientist and psychologist Philip Tetlock has found that what distinguishes the best forecasters in the world is their ability to see through “dragonfly eyes.”
Experts in specific disciplines and domains often exhibit limited predictive accuracy, attributable to their tendency to over-emphasize a single lens of analysis.
Superforecasters, by contrast, develop more holistic understandings of complexity by seeking out and integrating multiple perspectives. They are experts in dragonfly thinking.